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Archive for October, 2006

Beautiful Fall Weather

October 26th, 2006 at 03:16 am

The sun has been shining and our Indian summer is going on and on...

I am still eating from our freezer and pantry. Right now we have two months worth of grocery budget in that checking account (separate account, DH keeps checkbook). So we will have plenty of money to restock once we have used up our food stash.

I received a refund check from my Gottschalk's account of about $37.00. Somehow I overpaid on our new mattress.

I have $800.00 set aside for our trip to North Carolina December 1st when we go to help YD set up her apartment.

The new year will bring a new budget with no dependents (except my fox terrier Landon)!

It Takes Time to Be Frugal!

October 9th, 2006 at 04:06 am

Wow almost a month since I last posted. I have been busy clipping coupons, matching coupons to ads, planning menus, using up leftovers, reading my library books and rebuilding my computer myself instead of paying someone to do it.

I spent almost 3 hours on the phone today making reservations using our airline miles. But we will be flying to North Carolina with our youngest daughter to set up housekeeping for about $20.00 a piece.

We still are eating out of the freezer and have not bought any new meat except Italian sausage and ham hocks. Beans are soaking for the crockpot tomorrow (along with the ham hocks).

There is lots to do to prepare for YD leaving. Need to compare shipping vehicle costs and shipping packages costs since we will be shipping what little she is taking with her.

Her apartment is ready December 1st which is the day we are flying. Her husband will be home early March from Iraq, but the college starts spring semester January 5th, so she needs to get settled and signed up for school.

Lots of changes going on in my life....