My enabling friends think that $600+ for food for three (groceries and eating out) "is not that bad". I think it is very bad....
So my goal for September is $500 for the month (combined groceries and eating out).
Also I was a bit shocked at the almost $70.00 in pet costs for one little dog. I usually buy his toys at the Dollar Store, but do feed him expensive Innova dog food. I also bathe him myself except about once every six weeks take him to the groomer for a good bath, toenail trimming etc. Lola my grandpuppy is coming for a visit so I did buy her a new toy today at the Dollar store. But for September, my goal is $50.00 for Landon.
I am copying Flash here, but these are my daughters and their pets. All three puppies were rescued from shelters. My doggy is in the middle with my YD who is recovering from a bad case of mono (not in this picture of course, this picture was taken in early June).
September goals
September 2nd, 2006 at 02:01 am
September 2nd, 2006 at 05:09 am 1157170181
September 2nd, 2006 at 02:10 pm 1157202629