Home > My fifth day...

My fifth day...

September 13th, 2006 at 10:53 pm

I seem to have posted every five days for the last few entries.

I have been very busy and had an eye appointment. I was given new contacts to try out and now I have to wear reading glasses to be on the computer, but see better overall.

So now I need to order new glasses since I have been without since my grandpuppy ripped them off my face being affectionate and they pretty much disintegrated back in July.

So today I am going for a teeth cleaning.

Tomorrow will be my first half of month subtotals.

It is the MOST beautiful time of year here on the North Coast of California.

We are still eating out of the pantry, but stocked up with the Costco coupons on cleaning supplies (soft scrub and Clorox clean-up), toothbrushes, scope, lever 2000, dawn liquid, honey bunches of oats and last but not least 2/1 30 count Nestle candy bars (for SIL in Iraq). It was a bit difficult to resist the lawn Christmas ornaments. DH especially liked the Santa climbing up the stairs...., but resist we did!

1 Responses to “My fifth day...”

  1. HouseHopeful Says:

    I think I'm going to have to head back to the eye doctor as well. I'm farsighted, but I'm having a REALLY hard time with the computer at work. I'll have to ask my doctor about putting glasses & contacts together if necessary. Staring at the computer all day is giving me headaches. Plus, if I can't see at work, I probably won't get paid.

    p.s. I replied to your message on my last post about tv Smile

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