Home > One Year Anniversary

One Year Anniversary

April 16th, 2007 at 03:45 am

One year ago I picked up my sweet Landon at the animal shelter in Grass Valley, CA. I lasted 4 months without a dog thanks to my daughters sending me pictures of dogs from

I miss my daughters....

So today in honor of trying to not spend any money we don't have to spend, we had friends over for breakfast instead of going out. On the menu was quiche (from the freezer), potatoes fried with red bell pepper and onion, sausage bites (bisquick, cheese and a package of the bear sausage cooked and crumbled small), fresh fruit salad, bacon and orange juice and coffee. It turned out very well and cost about $15.00 for the entire meal with leftovers!

DH made carnitas tonight and instead of pulling pork loin from the freezer we paid $1.28 a pound for at the local Winco, he found large pork loin chunks for 98 cents a pound yesterday. So we grilled that tonight after grilling tonight's steaks. We will be having carnitas tomorrow. Here is the recipe if anyone is interested and it freezes well.


2 pounds boneless pork loin cut into 2-3 inch chunks
2 tsp salt
½ tsp cumin
½ tsp oregano
2 pressed garlic gloves
½ onion, thinly sliced
2 tsp sugar or brown sugar
1 tablespoon lemon juice

Place pork, spices, garlic and onion in a large stockpot. Cover slightly with water and bring to a boil. Cover pan and reduce heat. Simmer for one hour. Add sugar and lemon juice. Remove lid and simmer until liquids have nearly boiled off.

The carnitas can then be grilled before serving them. However, they can be served as is immediately or frozen and stored for future use.

Serves 8

We eat them with plain boiled beans or in a tortilla with grilled pepper, onion, and avocado.

Grocery total so far this month: $150.26, right on track for my $300.00 budget.

8 Responses to “One Year Anniversary”

  1. JanH Says:

    Happy anniversary to you and Landon!

  2. fairy74 Says:

    Landon is SOOO Cute!

  3. Elly Says:

    I love the picture!!

  4. moi aussi Says:

    Here's to another happy year and many more with Landon. Nice picture!

  5. homebody Says:

    Thank you everyone. That is my youngest daughter who now lives all the way across the country in North Carolina with the Marine Husband. Landon slept with her until she moved in early December 2006. Now he sleeps on her bed by himself curled in a blanket (except when DH is on a business trip, but shhhhh don't tell him!).

  6. monkeymama Says:

    Too funny - I don't think I realized you must be close - Grass Valley is not far srom Sac where I live.

    & my sister is in NC married to a military guy. I don't even know if um he is Marines or what now that I think about it - but I think he is. Small world!!!

  7. homebody Says:

    Yes you are 5 hours away Monkey! OD lived in Sacramento in 1999-2001 getting her criminal justice degree. I drove to Grass Valley and back in one day to pick up Landon. He was worth it (and YD was with me). Does your sister live in Jacksonville?

  8. monkeymama Says:

    Well my sister lives in Dunn, but just met her hubby a little over year ago. I know he commutes about an hour and they just sold her home, hoping to move closer to base. But I actually have no idea where it is - hehe. I'll have to ask her - I'll let you know. My sister is actually quite a bit younger than me - closer to 23. So she might know some of the younger couples there. JAcksonville does sound familiar - hmmm. Yes, their courtship and marriage happened so fast, just don't really know much about it. I feel like a dork for not even being sure if he is Marines.

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