DH and I could not be more thrilled. After raising three daughters, a granddaughter is going to fit right in. It was all I could do not to run out and buy baby girl stuff. But I keep reminding myself baby Ally is going to be the first grandchild AND great-grandchild on both sides of the family.
I started knitting a white blanket (why did I pick such a hard pattern?) and I have plenty of fabric to make a couple of quilts.
I admit I did fill a pink basket and sent it off to North Carolina with a few items in it for baby, my daughter and my SIL, practical stuff actually. My daughter can't find the hair wax stuff she likes in North Carolina and SIL really likes a local restaurant's salad dressing, so I picked that up along with a bar of premium chocolate and some changing pads, one little outfit, a blanket, some receiving blankets and some pink hangers.
We are a little halfway through the month of March and I have $77.53 left in my $345.00 budget for food (groceries, alcohol, restaurants). We are making chicken cacciatore for Easter (weird I know, but my MIL was just diagnosed with congestive heart failure, so we have to make low sodium, ham and commercial turkeys are out). We are using tomato sauce that we made out of roasted tomatoes, garlic and basil from FIL's last year's garden, so hopefully I can stay under budget for the month. We have some chicken in the freezer, but may need to pick up another package of boneless thighs at Costco.
I budgeted $515.00 for utilities and spent $514.22. Pretty good estimating there...
Something seems wrong in the auto category, I show only a little over $100 for gas so far... did DH pay cash or charge to Renner (a card lock place). Must ask him when he gets home.
I dodged a bullet this month and talked DH out of going to Las Vegas. He received three free nights at the MGM because they screwed up his reservations last year at the convention he attends each year (every other year held in Las Vegas). Luckily they extended the gift certificate another year.
We will find out what DH's bonus is the last week of March, but there are many things it can be used for including landscaping at our rental home (needs to be done, it's neighborhood rules), fund Roth IRA, fund HSA for this year, or just save, save, save. Our home needs painting, but DH did it himself last time, he just is too worn out to do it himself he says.
We had a gift certificate to:
So we scheduled that and hopefully that will satisfy DH's need to get away. Owning a business, he has a hard time relaxing unless he is out of town (especially since he gets called all the time by employees).
All in all I just keep plugging away....
March 20th, 2008 at 02:00 am
March 20th, 2008 at 02:56 am 1205981760
March 20th, 2008 at 03:38 am 1205984326
March 20th, 2008 at 11:53 am 1206013982
March 20th, 2008 at 12:01 pm 1206014496
March 20th, 2008 at 02:03 pm 1206021807
Our family is all girls and it was so weird to have boys. But wouldn't have it any other way. (Though I admit for months I Was thinking, "what the hell am I going to do with a boy?") LOL.
So I identify with how cool it is to have more girls! Though if the next one is a boy you will love it too.
Oh yes, and my eldest was the first baby in the family. Wow, talk about spoiled! But so fun too. You must be SO excited!!!
March 20th, 2008 at 03:19 pm 1206026358
March 20th, 2008 at 03:19 pm 1206026390
Thanks everyone. We are thrilled silly. DH is already planning to build a playhouse in the back yard! DH especially wanted a girl, I really didn't care and was surprised when he expressed a preference.
March 20th, 2008 at 04:01 pm 1206028895
Have fun with the little girl, and I wish you guys the best!
March 20th, 2008 at 04:39 pm 1206031157
March 20th, 2008 at 05:53 pm 1206035637