Home > Suze Orman....

Suze Orman....

March 31st, 2008 at 04:50 pm

Today is the last day to open an Ameritrade account and get your bonus $100.00 after a year with minimum $50.00 deposit each month. I am still trying to decide whether to do it. I am considering actually opening them for my three daughters too. That would be $200.00 a month. It would be Christmas presents for them, which is a little more than I normally spend for them, but it might be a good idea to encourage them to save.

Mmmmmm what to do, what to do? All three already have accounts at ING.

16 Responses to “Suze Orman....”

  1. luxlivingfrugalis Says:

    I just got paid my $100 bonus, so it does work out. You've got to leave it all in there for the entire year though.

  2. Ann Says:

    Does that encourage them to save or reinforce the my parents will do it for me?

  3. homebody Says:

    Ann I honestly don't know, that's probably partly why I haven't done it yet. What do you think?

  4. Ann Says:

    You know me and my history so for my kids it would not teach them anything but Mom will do it for me....

  5. Ann Says:

    You know me and my history so for my kids it would not teach them anything but Mom will do it for me....but your 3 are not my 3. So it might work for them What if you made one months deposit and sent them the particulars. Then you would have set the account up and the savings in motion but the job would be theirs...just a thought

  6. homebody Says:

    Ann I PM'd you, good point though.

  7. terri77 Says:

    Thanks for the reminder. I just opened an account, but I'm not entirely sure what I want to do with the money. I already have an IRA so I set it up as a cash non-IRA account. Do you do stocks or mutual funds?

  8. homebody Says:

    I set it up as a Roth Ira. I'm just going to let it sit in the money market until the year is up and then decide. I called to verify it was the Suze Orman offer. I clicked on the link at Suze Orman's site, and it didn't ask for a password, but they verified on the phone it was correct.

  9. PauletteGoddard Says:

    I read your post, and opened a S.Y. account, as I planned to drop by TD Ameritrade today anyway. But I waffled for a few hours.

  10. homebody Says:

    Well I called YD and she didn't want me to do it for her. I will talk to OD when she gets off work and MD I believe is opening one. Hurray for us!

  11. dmontngrey Says:

    Thank you! I have wanted to open a Roth IRA for a while now and my goal was to have one by my birthday. So I'm 9 days late, but happy with this offer. It was just the nudge I needed.

  12. homebody Says:

    Okay gang, the Roth IRA did not count, I had to open another account. My welcome letter was not the same as my sister's which actually listed the bonus and all. So I called Ameritrade and this time they told me it didn't count, unlike the first call..AARRGGHH...
    However, my sister told me they extended it for two more months.

  13. dmontngrey Says:

    Well that doesn't make much sense! I opened a Roth IRA and got a welcome email congratulating me on joining the Save Yourself movement. I also see something when I log in stating I am part of something big by joining this. I haven't received my physical welcome package yet, but everything else mentions the promotion.

    I'm hoping this is just an April Fools joke... Smile

  14. homebody Says:

    No it really isn't a joke, I wish... oh well, maybe I clicked something wrong somewhere along the way, but at least I do have my promotional account, I am just going to close the Roth, I need to call them today. I already have a Roth at Scottrade, don't need two, don't know what I was thinking in the first place!

  15. dmontngrey Says:

    Wow, that's too bad - but still ok as long as you got a promotional account anyways. I'm not kidding when I say all my emails reference the promotion and I did sign up for the Roth, so I really don't understand why you were told the Roth didn't count.

    I mostly thought you were kidding because you heard this was extended two months and I can't find evidence of that anywhere. Sure would like a link if that's really true.

  16. homebody Says:

    When my sister called them to set up her auto transfer they said they extended it two months, but maybe I took that wrong, extended the setting up the transfer for two months maybe?

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