So after my last post I did order my credit report and guess what, there is a "ding" on it. It was a credit agency in NC for Progress Energy Carolinas. Well I live in California, but my SIL and YD and granddaughter all live in NC. So I called them and asked if that name was familiar. My SIL said it was their old water company when they lived in an apartment, before they bought their house.
The report was made October 2008. My DH and I did cosign for YD who was 19 with no income and my SIL was in Iraq when we moved her back to start college and await his homecoming. SIL immediately ordered up his credit report and the "ding" was not on his report. YD was ordering hers up next and I have not heard from them yet on that. They insisted they paid up everything when they moved to their house.
The interesting thing is I would not known if the whole HSBC letter had not come and I felt motivated to find out what my limit was because I blogged about it. (By the way, my credit limit was also $10,500).
Good idea Ima, I may give them a call. First I need to find my credit cards in my file cabinet. I always throw new ones in there that I don't use, but yes I have decided to make a small purchase occasionally to keep them opened.
So my advice, it's a good time of year to order up your free credit report at
It costs $7.95 to get your FICO score, which I did not do, but free to get your report from the 3 different reporting agencies. Unfortunately I could only get one because I have a hyphenated name and the other 2 companies would not give it to me online.
Lowering limits/Credit Scores/Credit Reports
January 4th, 2009 at 09:59 pm
January 4th, 2009 at 10:30 pm 1231108219
January 4th, 2009 at 11:33 pm 1231111986
Does anyone know if the FICO information that you pay for is more than just the number? My Wamu credit card has an excellent FICO section that tells you the number month by month plus tells you the reasons why it is what it is - pretty cool! In my case I have too much credit and too much balance on that credit. Argghhh!
And those commercials for the scam website makes me very angry! Nationwide phishing on TV is what it is - very unethical. I wish the credit services could get that stopped.
Hey - a disorganized procrastinator?! Small world!
January 5th, 2009 at 01:27 am 1231118847