That's a no spend week! On Thursday I got up and was scrounging around packing my lunch and was considering buying lunch in the hospital cafeteria. I started thinking about Suze Orman on Oprah earlier this month challenging everyone to not eat out for a month. I started thinking and realized I have not eaten out yet the month of January. Well that's it. I am making it until the end of the month!
What makes this a lot easier is last month sometime DH found little chicken sandwiches at Costco "on sale", which made them 50 cents a piece. It is really easy to grab and thrown in my Coleman "lunch pail". I don't get sick of the same thing day after day, well okay I am sort of getting sick of them now after eating them almost every day for a whole month. Uh oh, I just went out to the freezer. I have 2 left, which means I need to plan for this coming work week. Safeway has bags of lettuce on sale for $1.00. I will probably get a few of those and see if I have some canned salmon. If not I can cook up some chicken breasts (in the freezer) and use those in my salad.
I get my $100.00 allowance for February next Sunday. This month I spent $95.00 of it on January 1st shopping with my mom and sister. The last $5.00 went to the little boy scout across the street selling raffle tickets for a cord of wood.
Speaking of Boy Scouts, etc, the little girl we bought Girl Scout cookies from the past few years has gotten totally lazy. We came home from work to a phone call asking us to call her if we wanted to buy cookies this year. I am sure her sales will be way down. We live in a neighborhood so it is really easy for her to go from house to house. I was pretty surprised. She must have saved the phone numbers from last year's form.
One more item of interest: For those of you who have considered taking 0% interest money and sticking it in a savings account, making the minimum payments, then paying in full before the 0% runs out. I did it. I was so worried I would miss the pay off date, I kept thinking never again! So back in June Bank of America called me and said they could loan me $23,000 until February 2009 billing cycle and it would cost me $99.00 "transfer fee". She caught me on a bad day and I agreed. I immediately transferred it into ING Direct and paid it off 2 weeks ago. Never do that again I thought. Then I added up what I made from it. $350.00 after the $99.00 fee. The key is that it has to be a large enough amount to make it worth you while. I doubt another offer like that is going to come along.
I have a long list of to do's for the weekend including the sock box and hopefully cutting out one of the summer outfits for my granddaughter. I bought the patterns for $1.00 each and the fabric 50% after last Easter. She was not born yet, but I knew I would want to make her some clothes.
So I could start with this:
or this:
Here she is wearing a sweater I knitted:
Okay Saturday is off and running with lots to do, getting back to my roots. Happy frugal weekend everyone!
Another NSW
January 24th, 2009 at 03:39 pm
January 24th, 2009 at 03:49 pm 1232812181
January 24th, 2009 at 04:14 pm 1232813693
lol...Good for you. How adorable are those outfits going to be!!!! What a wonderful gramma...
January 24th, 2009 at 06:16 pm 1232821016
I love the patterns and fabric for your granddaughter's outfits. I want to learn how to sew, and should do it before Juliette can tell me she won't wear the clothes I make.
Hmmmmmmmm ... You've got me thinking.
January 24th, 2009 at 07:03 pm 1232823824
And your granddaughter is adorable! Love the smile.
The girl scout may have come by when you were not home and decided to call because she was hoping you would buy from her again this year. She could have just come by again, depends on how cold it has been! I have noticed a HUGE drop in cookie sales!
January 25th, 2009 at 03:58 pm 1232899084