Home > My beauty money saving tip

My beauty money saving tip

September 16th, 2009 at 01:26 pm

Have your husband, partner, significant other or friend color and cut your hair for you. I waited for DH to get home from work Saturday morning to color my hair. He has never done it before and the last time I did it myself, when I washed it out I still had gray, so I figured he would do a better job. He did. He then trimmed it off for me too. Savings: $60-80. I used Nutriese Garnier Golden medium brown. It was a shade darker with a little more pizazz than my own hair. I found a coupon this week in the Sunday paper and it is on sale at Rite-Aid so I will be purchasing my next box for $3.99.

Now I gotta go find some change to pick up!

8 Responses to “My beauty money saving tip”

  1. girltherapy Says:

    Good idea. My daughters color each others hair all of the time. And I do the trims, including my own. I'm not particularly talented, we just aren't real picky, I guess.

  2. creditcardfree Says:

    I'm going to have to color my hair one of these days...I'm find white hairs! My uncle has always colored my aunt's hair. He does a great job, too!

  3. mrs. Says:

    My DH cut five inches off of my hair before we went on vacation in July. I color it myself and have done OK so far. I find the simpler (long straight with bangs and solid color - no highlights) the more affordable!

  4. Ima saver Says:

    I have colored my own hair for about 35 years. I guess I have saved a lot of money too.

  5. Maismom Says:

    I use Garnier, too! I'm waiting for my $2 Garnier coupons to arrive. I will go to Walgreen's, buy 4 of them, pay $12 and get $10 catalina coupon back. That will make a box 50 cents each. I normally do not pay more than $1 for hair color.

  6. dmontngrey Says:

    I color my own and DH cuts it. Well, the back at least. I cut the bangs myself. Smile

  7. whitestripe Says:

    i colour my own but i get a style cut every three months or so. i just bought a box of garnier golden brown! hows that for coincidence!
    they are $14.99 here Smile

  8. ralph Says:

    Grumble, grumble. Hair care costs for women are outrageous. You people who are avoiding it make me sick! Keep up the good work. Smile

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