Home > We are debt free.... except for the mortgage!

We are debt free.... except for the mortgage!

November 12th, 2009 at 05:03 am

I thought my 0% lasted until the end of the year. I was surprised with my last statement from our last credit card to see that I owed over $100 in finance charges. That's it. I transferred the money from ING and just paid it off in full.

I am embarrassed at how long it took us, but we are finally out of credit card debt. So now all we owe is our mortgage on our home and our rental home.

Our E-fund took a big hit, but with my buy nothing challenge for the year (personal spending), I am hoping it will be in a comfortable range before too long.

I can't even share the news with DH as he is asleep, still on East Coast time since he just arrived home yesterday after spending a week with:

By the way, I knitted the ladybug coat she is wearing. It is a bit long, but hopefully she will be able to wear it for a year. It is made out of baby alpaca yarn and the pattern is here if anyone is interested:

We have started a new challenge tonight of how long can we go just buying fruit, veges, bread, milk and coffee. Our freezer is brimming with food that needs to be eaten including leftover party food from Ally's first birthday party in August.

Happy Veteran's Day to all our Veteran's, especially my 85-year-old father-in-law who served in WWII, my two older brothers who both served in Vietnam, and my dear son-in-law who is currently serving in the Marine Corp and is getting ready for his deployment to Afghanistan. He has not been overseas since 2006 to Iraq. 2010 is going to be a tough year for my family.

9 Responses to “We are debt free.... except for the mortgage!”

  1. No Pain | No Gain Says:

    YAY!!! Congrats!!

  2. lizajane Says:


    And the ladybug coat is adorable, and so is the darling girl. Smile

  3. gamecock43 Says:

    Debt Free! What an occasion to celebrate!

  4. frugaltexan Says:


  5. LuxLiving Says:


  6. monkeymama Says:

    How eciting!!!! Yay!!!!

  7. ceejay74 Says:

    Woo, congratulations!!! And many thanks to all your relatives who've served in the military, too!

  8. mjrube94 Says:

    1) Way to go on paying off the credit card debt!
    2) She's adorable, and the coat looks great!
    3) Praying for your son-in-law. God Bless him for protecting the rest of us.

  9. daybyday Says:

    Congratulations on paying off the debts!!! Ya!!!

    What a cute pattern. Thanks for the link. I have bookmarked it! I've been working on a blanket for GD #2 that is taking me forever because it's a pattern that takes concentration. I have picked an easier pattern for GD #3.

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