The food challenge continues. This week's shopping left us with $8.00 to last until March 1st.
I think we are going to make it because most of our menus this week are based on this:
along with this weeks grocery purchases:
Saturday-Roast turkey dinner.
Sunday-Lunch turkey salad sandwiches with celery, diced bacon and walnuts. Some grapes would have been a great addition, but I was not going to buy some. Hey come to think of it some chopped carrot would have given it a little sweetness. Dinner was leftover turkey dinner for DH and I just had a salad with the leftover turkey salad on top.
Monday-Turkey enchiladas, made 2 small, one for the freezer. Used the dark meat picked from the thigh and leg.
Tuesday-New recipe adapated from Rachel Ray,
Using these ingredients and the addition of 2 cups of cubed breast meat from turkey:
This was quite tasty with enough for leftovers tonight.
You would have thought I had teenage boys in the house I did so much baking this weekend:
I used half soy flour in all recipes to try to cut down on carbs. All other ingredients I already had in the house (including a past dated tub of light sour cream in the apple/nut muffins you can see in the frig picture).
We had a moment of panic briefly when we were down to one day's worth of coffeebeans left. Then I realized we had one more package of coffee bought in December at Costco when they ran the $4.00 Starbucks. Otherwise my challenge with my sister has been easier than I thought.
I also started this quilt that I finished Monday and drove down to the fabric artist to quilt yesterday.
This is for my BFF's first grandchild, (a boy obviously) born 2/18/2010 on my granddaughter's 18-month birthday!
Spring is on it's way as evidenced by the flowers that are starting to bloom (however a storm blew in yesterday here in Northern Coastal California). My tulips are coming up too!
I have a new computer arriving today that I got at for $499.00. Keeping up on blogs and doing my finances has been painfully slow. I had my computer checked by my IT coworker and he said it would cost almost as much to fix and upgrade as getting a new one. I am kind of excited about Windows 7.
Finally, I received 2 checks for reimbursement from my FSA. I deposited into my daughter's account to buy my granddaughter a play kitchen. We took the one we had purchased back to Costco over the weekend (we thought they were living with us for a year, but SIL's orders were changed).
I feel like I was definitely back to my frugal roots over the past week!
Food, food, food...oh and a quilt
February 24th, 2010 at 05:11 pm
February 24th, 2010 at 05:14 pm 1267031696
February 24th, 2010 at 05:24 pm 1267032259
February 24th, 2010 at 08:31 pm 1267043507
I'd love to see some sun it's snowing here.
February 25th, 2010 at 06:32 am 1267079554
Your quilt is gorgeous!
Let me know what you think of windows 7! So much easier to play those games on FB!