Home > If anyone is interested

If anyone is interested

February 9th, 2011 at 11:13 pm

I thought staying at home would be a cake walk. Haha. Since taking on the grocery shopping, cooking and management of the home along with my diagnosis, I am swamped.

Since DH works so hard, I feel this need to work just as hard on the home front, which I really cannot do and he does not expect me too either. Dumb work ethic!!

Due to dividends and my continued disability checks, we are doing fine despite my lack of attention to our finances. This must change as my disability checks will be ending.

I am telling you, shopping and cooking alone takes up a tremendous amount of time.

All homemakers, male or female, don't sell yourself short ever. It is a full-time job!!

I have upped my goal to 11 in 2011 quilting/sewing projects. I have finished #2:

I am waiting for the backing fabric (red with white polka dot minkey)for #3:

And have started #4:

Our tax appointment is next week so I have to get on that.

Happily the weather has been beautiful in Northern Coastal California as opposed to the midwest, but again today I heard on the radio that our gas prices are the highest in the continental US!

7 Responses to “If anyone is interested”

  1. Looking Forward Says:

    Thanks for the update and pics!
    Looks like you've been keeping very busy at home. While I sit here at work and play on the net Big Grin lol! This is rare though - my boss is out of the office until 4pm.

  2. laura Says:

    I'm inspired to get myself some creativity-inspired goals for the year. Beautiful work!!

    I am amazed at how fast time flies when I am home alone, never seem to get it all done, and a new day brings new things to do.

  3. frugaltexan75 Says:

    What a cute little girl in the picture. Smile
    I've tried my hand at quilting, but I never finished the one quilt I started.

  4. Thrifty Ray Says:

    You have a beautiful talent. Glad you are finding a balance between home-front must dos and home-front want to dos...

  5. miclason Says:

    eh, no, I couldn´t stay home, I´d go crazy, there´s just too much to do!
    Congrats on your projects, they´re beautiful. (and such a cute little girl too!)

  6. CB in the City Says:

    I was overwhelmed when I stayed home, too.

  7. rachel021406 Says:

    This may be a silly question, but what is "DH"?

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