Home > Sick on Thanksgiving.....Ugh!

Sick on Thanksgiving.....Ugh!

November 27th, 2014 at 07:12 pm

Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

2015 is bringing big challenges AND big blessings. I have been promoted and am running a 100 apartment assisted living facility. I love my job and consider myself very blessed when just a few years ago I thought I would never be able to work again.

My youngest daughter and her family are living with us for what is planned to be 2 years. My Marine son-in-law is losing his vision due to a rare disease called Stargardt's disease. Luckily having passed the 8 year mark he is eligible for military retirement. My oldest granddaughter is now 6 and my younger one born 8/12/14. They moved up late in September from the San Diego area.

My husband and I realize at 56, almost 57 in my case, we will not retire before age 70. We also realize this may be the only home we ever live in and thus are planning for that.

My current goal is to get my 401K signed up for before January 1st. We are using YNAB for budgeting and DH is actually using his phone app to put in grocery receipts. Hurray!

4 Responses to “Sick on Thanksgiving.....Ugh!”

  1. Bluebird Says:

    Your granddaughters are adorable! I hope you feel better! Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Looking Forward Says:

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    The picture is darling.
    Feel better soon!

  3. CB in the City Says:

    Beautiful granddaughters. You are indeed blessed to be working again and to have your family with you. Get well soon!

  4. MonkeyMama Says:

    Beautiful babies!

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