Day #2 was not exciting.
I had my second physical therapy appointment after a car accident I was involved in 9/30/18. It was a 4 car pileup. I was car #3 with the car that plowed into the other three car #1. The woman I was behind, who was stopped legally to make a left hand turn, was the only one who was not hurt. She pulled her truck into her home driveway and immediately ran over to make sure I was okay. I handed her my dog so I could call my husband. My poor little chihuahua climbed onto my lap and was shaking right after impact.
We became friends and she asked (after seeing my quilts on facebook) if I could make her and her cousins pillows out of her grandfather's shirt. Both her grandfather and grandmother passed away this year. She was really wonderful to me after the accident and stayed with me both before and after my husband arrived. The car behind me and the driver of the truck that caused the accident both went to the ER in ambulances, so I was really lucky. I did injure my left eye, which hit my steering wheel, and of course my neck and back are tweaked. My husband did take me to the ER and I was checked out, with nothing critical found. I declined an MRI of my eye as the pain had gone away and my vision seemed fine.
One week later I started having floaters in my vision, which were incredibly annoying. I finally got in with my own doctor who had been on vacation and she referred me for PT and to an eye doctor, who is also my mother's eye doctor. The medical assistant who called to schedule me asked if I had been having any flashes of light. Ummmmm......yes actually I had. They got me in that day and sure enough, I had evidence of tearing of my eye away from the socket. I was admonished to "take it easy", no jarring movements. Both the floaters and the lights have improved greatly over the past month, and I will check in with the eye doctor tomorrow when I take my mother in for a visit.
Nothing frugal really happened today except I ate leftover turkey pot pie for dinner, the last piece actually. My husband went to Costco the day after Thanksgiving and found turkeys for $15 off. He bought 4 turkeys around 20 pounds each for $5 a piece. He deboned and stuffed one on Sunday and baked it. We did not have that many leftovers from Thanksgiving as I sent a lot home with the young family next door who came for dinner. I also made two small casseroles of turkey enchiladas. I made enough pot pie filling for two pies and froze one along with a pie crust a la The Pioneer Woman's recipe on [url][url]
Here is my sample pillow I am dropping off tomorrow at new friend's work tomorrow:
Day #2 of my YOUF
December 7th, 2018 at 05:17 am