My 4 year old granddaughter has pink eye. Let's hope my itchy eyes are not that. My eyes have been itchy lately from the fires in NoCa, but they are out and they were feeling much better. I am on the coast, a good 3-1/2 to 4 hours from Paradise, but we were still effected.
I ran to town today to show my new friend (who stayed with me after the four car pile-up 9/30/18 until my husband got there, and then pretty much stayed with us anyway until the tow truck came) the pillow I made from her grandfather's shirt. She asked me to make them for her and her cousins. She loved it after we unbuttoned the top button and the pillow form is white so it looked like the white undershirt he wore under his button down shirts. She asked if I could have at least one made by Saturday and since they take about 20 minutes to iron, cut and sew, I really think I can get them all done for her. I plan to make it a priority tomorrow.
I was not feeling well today so I cancelled PT. After meeting with friend at her work (and meeting her new "friend"), I stopped at my daughter's house to see if she wanted any of the good bread that was super cheap at the Franz outlet store. (Thanks for the reminder Trying to get Ahead). They did have $1 lunch rolls which I planned to pick up for leftover pork with barbecue sauce sandwiches we had planned for dinner. I did find the cinnamon swirl bread for $3 and a gingerbread bread for the same. They had loaves of good bread for $1.25. Apparently they had overbooked because the dates were like 12/21, which is good.
I then went by Target to pick up some Puffs tissues, some Zicam, and picked up Lip Smackers for my 10 year old granddaughters and a set of 3 shades of pink nail polish for the 4 year old. She loves for me to do her nails and then she does mine, which are interesting! Luckily nail polish on the skin around your nails comes off quite easily when picked (after washing your hands with soap and water).
When I got home, DH had beat me home. He came home from work early and finished making Lila the rescue chihuahua a big batch of dog food. I believe there was about 20 quarts. I mix it with a bit of kibble so this should last, along with what we already have in the freezer, for about 6 months. I ended up cleaning and rearranging the 3 freezers (one large, two refrigerator freezers) to accommodate the dog food and bread. We cannot buy another frozen thin until we get rid of some stuff. We have already spilled over into daughter's large freezer so we have to stick to this.
Okay bedtime. Tomorrow is another day.
Day #7 YOUF
December 12th, 2018 at 06:33 am