Day 4 of tacos for dinner, for me anyway. Our neighbor brought down some homemade soup, which she does occasionally. DH has eaten that the past two nights. We have enough tacos for one more night.
DH said if we keep stretching our food like this our freezer food will last for 3 years!
My daughter picked me up in my car (that she borrowed because hers is in the shop) and took me to quilting group that meets twice a month at a local church classroom where we all sit around and yak while sewing or in my case, embroidering. I didn't feel like dragging the sewing machine out today. Usually I pack the car early and then drive in at the right time, but with daughter picking me up, and coming before I was ready, I was scrambling to get my current embroidery project together.
DH picked me up with the good news that our older truck will be ready to be picked up tomorrow so I am driving into town and he will either get a ride to the mechanic or will walk. DD will pick me up in the afternoon and drive back to her car dealership where her car also will be ready to pickup.
Hurray! I can work on decluttering and take a load to the local animal rescue shop on Friday.
DH ran to Ace Hardware and picked up 2 bags of bird seed, which is in the budget. Our chickens like it to and expect a few handfuls when I let them out in the morning.
Now if I can just get a good night's sleep.......
Day 70 of YOUF/No Spend Year
January 10th, 2019 at 06:50 am
January 10th, 2019 at 01:35 pm 1547127308
January 11th, 2019 at 12:44 am 1547167448
January 13th, 2019 at 08:03 pm 1547409829